Welcome to the 2019-20 school year!

Here you will find important information about school activities, upcoming events, field trips and homework. 

I look forward to a fantastic year with our Grade 2 students.

Below are some general reminders to keep in mind this school year!

  • The first bell rings at 8:20 and instruction starts at 8:25. Students must line up at their outside door before school. Please help your children be on time.  If they are in the hallway when prayer is being said, they need to stop until a prayer is finished before proceeding to their classroom.  We ask that parents do this too. This year lunch goes from 11:45 to 12:25. Afternoon instruction is from 12:25 to 3:00, with early dismissal on Thursday at 12:00.

  • At the end of the day, please wait in the foyer or by their outside door until the bell rings before you pickup your child.

  • If your child is going home with someone else, for safety reasons, please let me know by a quick Agenda note or a phone call to the school.